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The Story of a Hare

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Book Details

Title:The Story of a Hare
Tregarthen, John Coulson   
(2 of 3 for author by title)
Wild Life at the Land's End
The Life Story of an Otter
Published:   1912
Publisher:Hearst's International Library Co.
Tags:adventure, animals, Cornwall, England, fiction, nature, wildlife

Whilst few, if any, animals have more enemies than the hare, none perhaps is better endowed with instincts to outwit them. As that great mediaeval hunter, the Master of Game, said in 1402: There is no man in this world that would say that any hound can unravel that which a hare has done, or that could find her. For she will go the length of a bowshot or more by one way, and ruse again by another and then she will take her way by another side and the same she shall do ten, twelve or twenty times, then she will come into some hedge or thicket and shall make semblance to abide there and then will make cross wards ten or twelve times and will make her ruses and then she will take some false path and shall go thence a great way, and such semblance she will make many times before she goes to her seat. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:83 Info

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