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The Way Beyond (The Broad Highway #3)

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Book Details

Title:The Way Beyond (The Broad Highway #3)
Farnol, John Jeffery   
(37 of 38 for author by title)
Winds of Fortune
Waif of the River (Jasper Shrig Mysteries #12)
Published:   1933
Publisher:The Ryerson Press
Tags:fiction, mystery, romance

In this romance the author tells of the joys and tribulations of parenthood and gives an ideal picture of the perfect human partnership of Charmian and Sir Peter Vibart, the heroes also of that greatest of all romances The Broad Highway. Their son Richard's adventures are as wild as Peter's own and culminate in his being involved in a mysterious murder for which, but for Charmian's faith and courage, he might have been sentenced to death, so strongly did the web of circumstantial evidence envelop him. The story is peopled with scores of those characters which only Mr. Farnol can create. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:216 Info

Author Bio for Farnol, John Jeffery

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Jeffery Farnol (10 February 1878 – 9 August 1952) was a British writer since 1907 until his death, known for writing more than 40 romance novels, some formulaic and set in the Georgian Era or English Regency period, and swashbucklers, he with Georgette Heyer founded the Regency romantic genre.

He published his first romance novel My Lady Caprice in 1907. The success of his early novels led Farnol to become a professional writer. He produced around 40 novels and volumes of stories, and some non-fiction and children's books. His last book was completed by his second wife Phyllis.

Two of his early books, The Amateur Gentleman and The Broad Highway, have been issued in a version edited by romance novelist Barbara Cartland. The Amateur Gentleman was adapted for British film in 1920 and 1936, American film in 1926.--Wikipedia.

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