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In the Shadows

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Book Details

Title:In the Shadows
Johnson, Emily Pauline   
(2 of 2 for author by title)
Canadian Born
Published:   1898
Publisher:Emily Pauline Johnson
Tags:Canadiana, fiction, poetry

In the Shadows is a poem written as a "fare card", for a dinner hosted by the Buffalo Canoe Club which was based in the Niagara region of Ontario and New York state. (Canada's Early Women Writers) [Suggest a different description.]


Author Bio for Johnson, Emily Pauline

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Pauline Johnson (1861-1913) was a Canadian poet. Born in Brantford, Ontario to a Mohawk family, she grew up reading poetry by authors such as Keats and Longfellow as well as listening to traditional tales told by her grandfather. She first started publishing poetry in 1884 and continued to her retirement in 1909. While critics called her poetry shallow and derivative, she was able to gain popularity through readings which she accompanied by compelling performance. She adopted native dresses while reading poetry and successfully toured through Canada, the United States and England. Some of her poetry has been adapted to popular folk tunes such as Land of the Silver Birch, which is often sung in Canadian elementary schools. (Dictionary of Canadian Biography, Oxford Companion to Canadian Literature)

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