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Beau Geste

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Book Details

Title:Beau Geste
Wren, Percival Christopher   
(1 of 9 for author by title)
Beau Ideal
Published:   1924
Publisher:Longmans, Green and Co.
Tags:adventure, fiction, Foreign Legion, film/TV adaptation

The story is "the" classic story of the French Foreign Legion.

The story revolves around the relationship of 3 inseparable brothers, Michael (Beau), Digby (his twin), and John Geste. They are orphans raised by their Aunt Patricia at Brandon Abbas (think Downton Abbey). Aunt Patricia's ne'er do well husband, Hector is never home as he galavants around the world on hunting trips and chasing women and spending the family fortune. The fortune is epitomized in their famous "Blue Water" Sapphire which has been appraised at 30,000 pounds. The "Blue Water" is stolen one evening and only 8 people were present at the time who could have stolen it: Beau, Digby, John or their cousins Isobel, Claudia, and Augustus as well as a Chaplain and Aunt Patricia herself. Shortly thereafter Beau leaves a letter stating that he stole the "Blue Water" and disappears, followed shortly by Digby and then John all professing to have stolen the famous Sapphire. They all end up joining the French Foreign Legion. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:348 Info

Author Bio for Wren, Percival Christopher

Author Image

Percival Christopher Wren (1 November 1875 – 22 November 1941) was an English writer, mostly of adventure fiction. He is remembered best for Beau Geste, a much-filmed book of 1924, involving the French Foreign Legion in North Africa. This was one of 33 novels and short story collections that he wrote, mostly dealing with colonial soldiering in Africa.

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