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Red Fox

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Book Details

Title:Red Fox
Roberts, Charles George Douglas   
(13 of 16 for author by title)
Reube Dare's Shad Boat: A Tale of the Tide Country
Bull, Charles Livingston   
(3 of 4 for author by title)
The Untamed
The Kindred of the Wild
Published:   1905
Publisher:L. C. Page & Company
Tags:animals, Canadiana, fiction

The Story of His Adventurous Career in the Ringwaak Wilds and of His Final Triumph over the Enemies of His Kind [Suggest a different description.]


Author Bio for Roberts, Charles George Douglas

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Sir Charles George Douglas Roberts, KCMG FRSC (January 10, 1860 – November 26, 1943) was a Canadian poet and prose writer who is known as the Father of Canadian Poetry. He was "almost the first Canadian author to obtain worldwide reputation and influence; he was also a tireless promoter and encourager of Canadian literature. He published numerous works on Canadian exploration and natural history, verse, travel books, and fiction." "At his death he was regarded as Canada's leading man of letters."

Besides his own body of work, Roberts is also called the "Father of Canadian Poetry" because he served as an inspiration and a source of assistance for other Canadian poets of his time.

Roberts, his cousin Bliss Carman, Archibald Lampman and Duncan Campbell Scott are known as the Confederation Poets.--Wikipedia.

Author Bio for Bull, Charles Livingston

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Charles Livingston Bull (1874-1932) was an American artist who specialized in painting wildlife. He also studied taxidermy which helped him paint his animal subjects accurately. (AskArt)

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