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Dave Porter in the Far North; Or, The Pluck of an American Schoolboy (Dave Porter #4)

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Book Details

Title:Dave Porter in the Far North; Or, The Pluck of an American Schoolboy (Dave Porter #4)
Stratemeyer, Edward   
Nuttall, Charles   
Published:   1908
Publisher:Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co.
Tags:adventure, fiction

In this book Dave is still at his well-liked boarding-school, Oak Hall, with his lively but manly comrades, who rejoice with him that he not only has discovered his parentage, but has a father and sister living, though unaware of his existence. Dave cannot rest until he finds those of his own family, and having secured leave of absence from school and accompanied by his chum, the son of a United States Senator, he goes to England only to find that his father has left on an expedition to the upper part of Norway. The boys follow in a most exciting pursuit which is replete with adventure.

—seriesbooks.info. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:131 Info

Author Bio for Stratemeyer, Edward

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Although primarily known for creating popular series like Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys, Edward Stratemeyer was a popular author in his own right.

From 1894 to 1926 there were 168 of his stories published as books under his own name and some personal pseudonyms. His 30-volume Rover Boys series had more than 5 million copies sold. He also wrote dozens of short stories, dime novels, and serials for story papers and magazines.

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