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The Canadian Album. Men of Canada; or, Success by Example, in Religion, Patriotism, Business, Law, Medicine, Education and Agriculture; Containing Portraits of some of Canada's Chief Business Men, Statesmen, Farmers, Men of the Learned Professions...

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Book Details

Title:The Canadian Album. Men of Canada; or, Success by Example, in Religion, Patriotism, Business, Law, Medicine, Education and Agriculture; Containing Portraits of some of Canada's Chief Business Men, Statesmen, Farmers, Men of the Learned Professions...
Cochrane, Rev. William   
Published:   1891
Publisher:Thomas S. Linscott
Tags:biography, Canada, history, non-fiction

The Canadian album: men of Canada; or, Success by example, in religion, patriotism, business, law, medicine, education and agriculture; containing portraits of some of Canada's chief business men, statesmen, farmers, men of the learned professions, and others; also, an authentic sketch of their lives; object lessons for the present generation and examples to posterity.

Cochrane sought to have the information in each sketch verified by the subject. The series was to have a practical value to those in business: each biography gave an account of its subject's "character and capacity," which to Cochrane were as important as financial and professional ratings, and the phographs illustrated the "intimate connection between the features and expression of the face and the qualities and habit of mind." More important, the Canadian Album stands as a monument to the Victorian ideology, evident in Cochrane's earlier works, of success based on self-help and moral uplift. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:570 Info

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