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The King's Minion

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Book Details

Title:The King's Minion
Sabatini, Rafael   
(14 of 26 for author by title)
The Life of Cesare Borgia
King in Prussia
Published:   1930
Publisher:McClelland & Stewart, Limited
Tags:adventure, fiction, historical, James I of Scotland, novel, romance

Historical novel, taking place at the court of Scottish-born James I in the years following his accession to the English throne in 1603, and vividly recounting the career of the king's favourite Robert Carr, 1st Earl of Somerset. Sabatini does not hide his definite opinions of the people and events he describes. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:187 Info

Author Bio for Sabatini, Rafael

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Rafael Sabatini (29 April 1875 – 13 February 1950) was an Italian/English writer of novels of romance and adventure.

He is best known for his worldwide best-sellers:

The Sea Hawk (1915), a tale of an Elizabethan Englishman among the pirates of the Barbary Coast

Scaramouche (1921), a tale of the French Revolution in which a fugitive hides out in a commedia dell'arte troupe and later becomes a fencing master (Sabatini wrote a sequel ten years later: Scaramouche the Kingmaker (1931))

Captain Blood (a.k.a. The Odyssey of Captain Blood) (1922), in which the title character is admiral of a fleet of pirate ships. (Sabatini wrote two additional Captain Blood books comprising short stories, but they are not sequels: The Chronicles of Captain Blood (a.k.a. Captain Blood Returns) (1931), and The Fortunes of Captain Blood (1936))[2]

Bellarion the Fortunate (1926), about a cunning young man who finds himself immersed in the politics of fifteenth-century Italy

In all, Sabatini produced 31 novels, eight short story collections, six non-fiction books, numerous uncollected short stories, and a play.--Wikipedia.

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