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Next door neighbours; a comedy: in three acts. From the French dramas L'indigent & Le dissipateur. As performed at the Theatre-Royal, Hay-Market.

Book Details

Title:Next door neighbours; a comedy: in three acts. From the French dramas L'indigent & Le dissipateur. As performed at the Theatre-Royal, Hay-Market.
Inchbald, Elizabeth   
(5 of 9 for author by title)
Such Things Are
Lovers' Vows; A Play, In Five Acts
Published:   1791
Publisher:G. G. J. and J. Robinson
Tags:comedy, drama, fiction

The Diary or Woodfall's Register touted this play as praiseworthy, sensible and amusing. Another article praises it for its dialogue and for the moral rectitude that it encourages--in contrast to the works of other women writers of the time. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:83 Info

Author Bio for Inchbald, Elizabeth

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Elizabeth Inchbald (née Simpson) (1753–1821) was an English novelist, actress, and dramatist.

Between 1784 and 1805 she had nineteen of her comedies, sentimental dramas, and farces (many of which were translations from the French) performed at London theatres. Eighteen of her plays were published, though she wrote several more; the exact number is in dispute though most recent commentators claim between 21 and 23. Her two novels have been frequently reprinted. She also did considerable editorial and critical work. Her literary start began with writing for The Artist and Edinburgh Review. A four-volume autobiography was destroyed before her death upon the advice of her confessor, but she left some of her diaries. The latter are currently held at the Folger Shakespeare Library and an edition was recently published.

Her play Lovers' Vows (1798) was featured by Jane Austen in her novel Mansfield Park.--Wikipedia.

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