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The Shepherd of Guadaloupe

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This book is a member of the special collection Special Collection: The Works of Pearl Zane Grey (1872-1939)

Book Details

Title:The Shepherd of Guadaloupe
Grey, Zane   
(34 of 52 for author by title)
Stairs of Sand
Shadow on the Trail
Published:   1930
Publisher:The Musson Book Company Ltd.
Tags:fiction, western

Cliff Forest returns from the war to find that his parents' home has been taken over by the brutal Lundeen, whose own lovely daughter is terrified of him. To break the feud, save his parents, and win the woman who loves him, Cliff will have to defeat death itself. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:350 Info

Author Bio for Grey, Zane

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Zane Grey, author of over 90 novels, is best known for his best-selling book “Riders of the Purple Sage”. Writing from personal knowledge of the western United States, his western novels feature fishing and hunting, along with horse and cattle rustling, water wars and land speculation. His novels and story lines became the source of 112 movies, several feature comic books, serial magazine articles, and the TV series “Zane Grey Theater”. In other endeavors, Zane Grey was an avid sports fisherman, writing many books on the subject, and he participated in the development of sports fishing clubs in the U.S., Canada, New Zealand and Australia.

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