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The Bail Jumper

Book Details

Title:The Bail Jumper
Stead, Robert James Campbell   
(1 of 5 for author by title)
Published:   1914
Publisher:T. Fisher Unwin
Tags:Canada, Canadiana, fiction, Prairies

The first of Stead's celebrated prairie novels; at the start of each chapter he quotes from his 1908 poems Prairie Born and The Empire Builders. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:99 Info

Author Bio for Stead, Robert James Campbell

Author Image

Robert J.C. (James Campbell) Stead (1880-1959) was a Canadian writer of poetry and novels. Born in Middleville, Ontario, his family went west to homestead in Manitoba. As a young adult he started his own weekly newspaper and then went on to work on a number of other small publications. He eventually moved to Ottawa where he joined the civil service. He wrote five volumes of poetry, mostly patriotic verse of simplistic style. His novels were more interesting in that he began with popular romances and then progressed towards realistic depictions of prairie life and attitudes. His best novel, "Grain", depicts a farmer growing up in the culturally impoverished environment of a prairie farm. It also depicts to an almost dreary extent a realistic portrayal of life on the prairie, a measure of realism concurrent with other prairie novelists such as Frederick Philip Grove and Martha Ostenso. (Oxford Companion to Canadian Literature)

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