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The Countess of Albany

Book Details

Title:The Countess of Albany
Paget, Violet  Writing under the pseudonym: Lee, Vernon   
(2 of 7 for author by title)
The Handling of Words and Other Studies in Literary Psychology
Belcaro: Being Essays on Sundry Æsthetical Questions
Published:   1884
Publisher:The Bodley Head Limited
Tags:biography, Countess of Albany, non-fiction

Biography of the Countess of Albany (1752-1824), born Princess Louise of Stolberg-Gedern, wife of Charles Edward Stuart, "Bonnie Prince Charlie" (1720-1788). [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:77 Info

Author Bio for Paget, Violet

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Vernon Lee was the pseudonym of the British writer Violet Paget (14 October 1856 – 13 February 1935). She is remembered today primarily for her supernatural fiction and her work on aesthetics. An early follower of Walter Pater, she wrote over a dozen volumes of essays on art, music, and travel.

Her short fiction explored the themes of haunting and possession. The most famous were collected in Hauntings (1890) and her story "Prince Alberic and the Snake Lady" (1895) was first printed in the notorious The Yellow Book. She was instrumental in the introduction of the German concept of 'Einfühlung', or 'empathy' into the study of aesthetics in the English-speaking world.[8]

She developed her own theory of psychological aesthetics in collaboration with her lover, Kit Anstruther-Thomson, based on previous works by William James, Theodor Lipps, and Karl Groos. She claimed that spectators "empathise" with works of art when they call up memories and associations and cause often unconscious bodily changes in posture and breathing.

She was known for her numerous essays about travel in Italy, France, Germany, and Switzerland, which attempted to capture the psychological effects of places rather than to convey any particular piece of information.[citation needed] Like her friend Henry James, she wrote critically about the relationship between writers and their audience, pioneering the idea of critical assessment among all the arts as relating to an audience's personal response. She was a proponent of the Aesthetic movement, and after a lengthy written correspondence met the movement's effective leader, Walter Pater, in England in 1881, just after encountering one of Pater's most famous disciples, Oscar Wilde.--Wikipedia.

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