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Book Details

McIlwraith, Jean Newton   
Published:   1899
Publisher:William Briggs
Tags:Canadiana, history, juvenile, non-fiction
Description:[No description available. Suggest one here.]
Pages:87 Info

Author Bio for McIlwraith, Jean Newton

Author Image

Jean McIlwraith was born in 1858 in Hamilton, Ontario. Her parents were Mary Park and Thomas McIlwraith, a noted ornithologist. She attended the Wesleyan Ladies College and studied modern literature through a correspondence program with Queen Margaret College of the University of Glasgow. From 1902 to 1919 she worked in New York City for publishing companies and achieved the position of head reader at Doubleday, Page and Co. In 1919 she returned to Canada to devote her time to writing. She published one opera and several books in the genre of romance and historical fiction. She also published numerous short stories which appeared in magazines such as Harper's, Atlantic Monthly and Cornhill Magazine. (New Women: Short Stories by Canadian Women 1900-1920, Canada's Early Women Writers: Simon Fraser University)

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