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Antoinette de Mirecourt, ou Mariage secret et chagrins cachés

Book Details

Title:Antoinette de Mirecourt, ou Mariage secret et chagrins cachés
Leprohon, Madame (Rosanna Eleanor)   
Published:   1865
Publisher:C. O. Beauchemin & Valois
Description:[No description available. Suggest one here.]
Pages:121 Info

Author Bio for Leprohon, Madame (Rosanna Eleanor)

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Rosanna Eleanor Leprohon (1829–1879) was a Canadian writer and poet. Born and raised in Montreal, she attended the Convent of the Congregation of Notre Dame a prestigious school for young women where among several talents was encouraged to write. At age 17, she published her first poem in a magazine called "Literary Garland". Her early poems, short stories, and serialized novels regularly appeared in this periodical and received favourable reviews, including praise from Susanna Moodie. In 1851, she married Dr. Jean-Lukin Leprohon with whom she had 13 children. Despite caring for her children and her household, she still found time to write and published "The Manor House of De Villerai" in 1861. In 1864 she published Antoinette de Mirecourt, reputed to be the best novel written about English-French relations in 19th century Canada. Her distinctive Canadian literary style received wide praise in both English and French Canada. (Dictionary of Literary Biography)

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