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The Third Vibrator

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Title:The Third Vibrator
Wyndham, John  Writing under the pseudonym: Harris, John B.   
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Trouble with Lichen
Technical Slip
Paul, Frank Rudolph   
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Vampire Queen
Special Agent to Venus
Published:   1933
Publisher:Wonder Stories
Tags:fiction, science fiction, short story, war

Empires have risen and fallen; and behind their fates often stand the grim shadows of warlike men who used them as pawns in their ambitions.

International war is today facing every large nation and war offices delve feverishly into their archives for new war weapons with which to make an easy conquest of their enemies.

Yet we know that a weapon of destruction might become as great a terror to those who use it, as to those whom it is used against. But war-mad men will not listen to this argument; they must be shown. How this can be done, Mr. Harris illustrates in this short but intensely interesting story of three catastrophic wars.--intro. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:15 Info

Author Bio for Wyndham, John

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John Wyndham (1903-1969) was an English science fiction writer. 'Wyndham' was the best known of his pen-names, his full name being John Wyndham Parkes Lucas Beynon Harris. Originally trained as a lawyer, he tried several careers before settling on writing. He characterized his books as "logical fantasy". His stories are typically set in normal English life in which some fantastic event occurs. His best known works include Day of the Triffids, The Kraken Wakes, and The Chrysalids. In particular the word 'triffid' has passed into the lexicon of the English language as referring to any imaginary dangerous plant. (Oxford Companion to English Literature)

Author Bio for Paul, Frank Rudolph

Frank R. Paul (1884-1963) was an American artist and illustrator. He studied art and architecture in Europe before emigrating to New York in 1906. He designed several buildings there and also earned a living drawing political cartoons for newspapers and illustrating textbooks. In 1926 he devoted his work full time to illustrations, becoming one of the first professional artists who worked in the science fiction genre. He created cover illustrations for Amazing Stories for three years between 1926 to 1929. He drew for many other pulp magazines of the time continuing his work well into the 1950s. (Encyclopedia of Science Fiction)

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