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Kirsteen, Volume 2

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Title:Kirsteen, Volume 2
Oliphant, Margaret   
(10 of 22 for author by title)
Kirsteen, Volume 3
Kirsteen, Volume 1
Published:   1890
Publisher:Macmillan and Co.
Tags:family life, fiction, Scotland

The story of a Scotch family seventy years ago, in three volumes.

Much of Margaret Oliphant's fiction examines the position of women and the injustice and sterility of denying women outlets of fulfillment, most notably in Kirsteen, one of her last and greatest novels.--goodreads.com. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:107 Info

Author Bio for Oliphant, Margaret

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Margaret Oliphant Wilson Oliphant (née Margaret Oliphant Wilson) (4 April 1828—25 June 1897), was a Scottish novelist and historical writer, who usually wrote as Mrs. Oliphant. Her fictional works encompass "domestic realism, the historical novel and tales of the supernatural".

In the 1880s she was the literary mentor of the Irish novelist Emily Lawless. During this time Oliphant wrote several works of supernatural fiction, including the long ghost story A Beleaguered City (1880) and several short tales, including "The Open Door" and "Old Lady Mary".

Oliphant, during an often difficult life, wrote more than 120 works, including novels, books of travel and description, histories, and volumes of literary criticism.--Wikipedia.

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