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Fort in the Jungle

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Book Details

Title:Fort in the Jungle
Wren, Percival Christopher   
(6 of 9 for author by title)
Stepsons of France
Father Gregory
Published:   1936
Publisher:Butler & Tanner Ltd.
Tags:adventure, fiction

Fort in the Jungle—Not the desert wastes of North Africa, but the jungle of Indo-China is the setting for the adventures of legionnaire Sinclair Noel brodie Dysart, late Trooper in Her majesty's Life guards, now serving the French Foreign legion on Military Intelligence duty on the Annamese-China frontier. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:255 Info

Author Bio for Wren, Percival Christopher

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Percival Christopher Wren (1 November 1875 – 22 November 1941) was an English writer, mostly of adventure fiction. He is remembered best for Beau Geste, a much-filmed book of 1924, involving the French Foreign Legion in North Africa. This was one of 33 novels and short story collections that he wrote, mostly dealing with colonial soldiering in Africa.

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