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Zu Guter Letzt

Book Details

Title:Zu Guter Letzt
Busch, Wilhelm   
(3 of 3 for author by title)
Plish and Plum: From the German of Wilhelm Busch
Published:   1904
Publisher:Fr. Bassermann
Tags:fiction, humour, poetry, early cartoons

Poems in German: the last of Busch's works published during his lifetime. Poèmes en allemand: le dernier livre de Busch publié de son vivant. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:68 Info

Author Bio for Busch, Wilhelm

Author Image

Wilhelm Busch (1832-1908) was a German illustrator and poet. He is best known for his "Max und Moritz" cartoon series. During his time he was Germany's best known artist-poet. He successfully satirized 19th century philistinism and hypocrisy but also the foibles of life and living. Some early American comic strips such as "Katzenjammer Kids" were a direct imitation of Busch's style. (Benét's Reader's Encyclopedia)

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