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Title: What twelve Canadian women hope to see as the outcome of the war

Date of first publication: 1915

Author: various

Date first posted: May 18, 2017

Date last updated: May 18, 2017

Faded Page eBook #20170538

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What Twelve Canadian Women Hope to See as the Outcome of the War

Mrs. Albert Gooderham

Mrs. Arthur Murphy (Janey Canuck)

Mrs. L. A. Hamilton

Lady Laurier

Elizabeth A. McGillivray Knowles

L. M. Montgomery

Janet Carnochan

Flora MacDonald Denison

Nellie C. McClung

Helen M. Merrill

Mrs. R. R. Jamieson

Katherine Hale

First published Everywoman’s World, April 1915.

“What do you as a woman hope to see as the outcome of the war: (1) for the world at large, (2) for women in particular?”

In November Everywoman’s World addressed this question to several prominent Canadian women with the object of getting a national expression of Canadian women’s feeling on the result of the war, and of giving this symposium to Canadian women, to all Canadians, to the world, as a representative expression of what Canadian women hope to see as the outcome of the greatest, and, as they all hope, the last world war. The thought of Canadian women would pretty well represent the general thought of Canadian, of American, of women throughout the world on the subject of the war. All of us have the heartfelt hope that it may soon end, and as to what the outcome of the war is to be, there have been many predictions. So far, however, no one has asked or perhaps thought of what she hoped would be the outcome of the war. The contributors who have written for the symposium have frankly said what they hoped would be the outcome of the war, and this expression of personal desire is for that reason all the more valuable. What these women, and all the women whom they represent, want, is the object of the symposium to bring to the attention of our readers.

The First National Expression of Opinion by Canadian Women

These Canadian women appreciated what we were trying to do, and responded in such a way that they should have not only our appreciation and thanks—because we want Canadian women to think and feel and write nationally—but they should have, and we think they will get them, the appreciation and thanks of the women of Canada and the country generally. We are proud to have been the means of collecting in one page the public expression of representative Canadian women from coast to coast—the first national public expression by Canadian women on any question.

Some whom we wanted and you would want were not able to contribute—either, as they said, because they were not writers, or because they were so involved in executive patriotic work of the moment that they could not look so far ahead. Mrs. Willoughby Cummings (President of the Toronto Women’s Patriotic League), Toronto, says: “It is altogether too soon to attempt to define what will be, or may be, the outcome of a war that may last for years, when it is only three months old.” Mrs. Albert Gooderham, President of the National Chapter of The Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire, writes of the Symposium: “I feel that I do not care to express my views publicly unless I am able to give considerable time and thought to the matter, and this I cannot do at present, as I belong to several organizations which more than fully occupy my time. I can only pray that this war and the sorrow and suffering it entails may soon end, and that peace may come forever.” One or two women did not feel qualified to express an opinion at all, a matter of regret to us for two reasons: (1) because we and you thereby lose the expression of valuable feeling and thought; (2) because we think it is not only the duty but the privilege of Canadian women who, by reason of intellect, position, and achievement, are the prominent women of our country, to take part publicly in the life of Canadian women and in Canadian affairs.

The majority of our correspondents, however, realized what part in national life public expression of opinion plays; how it is worth while, for themselves and for others to take part in the life of the times and of the nation. Katherine Hale, Toronto, wrote: “Thank you for the opportunity of saying what I heartily believe must be one outcome at least of this war.” Mrs. Arthur Murphy, Edmonton (Janey Canuck) says: “Congratulations on your enterprise in arranging this Symposium, and best wishes for its success.”

So you may imagine this Symposium, as if these thoughtful women had really met, coming together from the farthest east and west, to talk to each other and to us, expressing their inmost hope for the outcome of the war.

Shall We Have Peace?

Mrs. Arthur Murphy (Janey Canuck), of Edmonton, Convenor of the Peace and Arbitration Committee of the National Council of Women of Canada, wrote:

“As an outcome of the war I hope to see:

“I. An amnestia.

“When in the year 400 B.C., at a time of great bitterness of feeling, Thrasybalus, one of the chief men of Athens, came to the head of affairs, he exerted his influence to secure the passage of a law they called amnestia, from a Greek word signifying no recollection. It is from this our word amnesty comes. The law provided that all former quarrels and offences be forgotten, and that the people take pledge to live peaceably towards each other as if the offences had never taken place.

“Yes! let this be the way of it—that John, Jean, Johann, and Jack sponge off their memories all red-written records.

“II. That contentious matters between nations, which cannot be settled by diplomacy, shall be arbitrated upon by the Hague Court.

“III. The establishment of international police forces on the high seas and on the land to suppress rebellion and to enforce the general decrees of the Hague Court.

“IV. Disarmament of all nations, that our fighting men, as prophesied by a seer of Israel, shall ‘go forth and set on fire and burn the weapons, both the shields and the bucklers, the bows and the arrows and the handstaves, and the spears, and shall burn them with fire seven years so that they shall take no wood out of the field, nor cut down any of the forests; for they shall burn the weapons with fire.’

“V. That the money hitherto spent upon armaments be devoted to education, commerce, science, and to the general amelioration of the sufferings to which men and women are subject.

“VI. That brute force being no longer the supreme arbiter, women may cease to suffer from the disability of a lesser muscular development and so may attain to their due economic, legal, and political status as human beings of the mother-sex.

“Meanwhile, the war continues, and there is no House of Refuge in all the blood-stained world.

“While I have been writing and you have been reading, a million men have rendered up their lives to a monstrous Moloch called militarism. Lads with torn breasts and torn viscera, crying for rescue in the dark and—oh, tragedy beyond compare!—we are grown callous because their cry is continuous.

“Lord have mercy upon us!

“Christ have mercy upon us!”

Woman Suffrage

Since the outbreak of the war, woman suffrage has appeared in two lights: (1) as a certainty, (2) a dead issue. As the first consternation passed away, woman suffrage as an outcome of the war appears more and more a certainty. How will women get the vote?

The President of the United Suffrage Societies of Canada, Mrs. L. A. Hamilton, says:

“You have asked me to state what I think will be the results of the present war, and to express my hopes as to its outcome in regard to its effects upon women.

“I am neither a prophet, nor the daughter of a prophet, and I must further confess that I shrink from putting a big subject into a small compass. Life is moving very fast just now, and changes are so rapid that no one of us can foresee clearly—or even think clearly—this is rather a moment for action, and our work is laid out plainly before us.

“The war has set the whole world in motion—men and women, all humanity, all are working, even the weakest contributing either actively or passively, to the liberation of an enormous reserve energy. I believe this energy is now putting into motion constructive forces which have hitherto not had a ‘fair field’ of action: forces which once liberated will bring about marked progress. I believe we are on the eve of a great social re-creation—of a brotherhood more true, and that we are coming nearer to the true ideals of Christianity.

“We see the first signs of this in the drawing together of individuals, classes, and nations, for a common cause—a common defence, and a common well-being. I hope that from this blending process great results may come, that barriers will be broken down—barriers of class prejudice, of sex-inequality, of national and racial difference and misunderstanding. I hope when the tumult is over that we may see the nations working together for international good, that there may be an international tribunal which shall aim not at the domination of one or more nations, but at the good of all—at a true international common weal. If, as a woman, I must prophesy, I may say how I foresee: that the part women are playing in the war will create a better understanding between the sexes, an understanding which shall give fuller recognition to the human relationship rather than the mere sex relationship.

“I may say that I see the end of many ancient prejudices—some are already dead—such as the one summed up in the statement that ‘Women have no part in war,’ or that ‘Women are incapable of concerted action.’

“At this very time, the concerted action of women is furnishing a measure of protection to the men in the trenches; the men in the field are in action to protect their homes, while the joint action of both is defending the nation. If the woman movement ever needed justification, it is now amply justified when the organized energy of women has enabled them to take to the full their share in the defence of the nations and to give the true mother’s protection to the men fighting for the nations.

“I foresee that with their men facing a stern duty, women who have felt themselves unjustly used will now admit that men after all are their natural protectors—and I foresee equally that men will confess how many of their safeguards they owe to women, while both will acknowledge the failure of a one-sided protection. For we are ‘our brother’s keeper,’ and I know that only in so far as both stand together can there be adequate protection against destructive forces, and a fuller and more abundant life for the races to come.”

What Lady Laurier Said

Instead of addressing Lady Laurier as we had the other ladies, who live in widely, scattered parts of Canada, we sent our Ottawa correspondent to interview her, and she reported the interview as follows:

The room was soft with accumulated comforts. Winter sun streamed in at the windows and music entered the door like a vapor—chamber music, made across the hallway. In the curve of the windows plants blossomed, and two birds in gilded cages—the stands exceedingly tall and slender—whispered in tunes about the other music. The interviewer was waiting, meanwhile, for Lady Laurier, the gracious, amiable helpmeet of Sir Wilfrid, of whom a gifted Canadian writer has written as ‘The Lady of the Gentle Heart.’

She came—a loveable figure in gray with soft lace at the right places and the kindliest of smiles to aid her greeting. She had been ailing lately—in spite of which a gentle wit begemmed her conversation. A small dog had followed her in, had curled up beside her like a doughnut as she sat, and now unconsciously served as topic-matter.

“You are fond of animals?”

“Yes,” she responded. “I love my pets—the dogs and the birds. I have the house as gay as I can make it. And the pets help—so pretty, so confiding!” As she said it the dog beside her snuggled closer.

“The world was meant to be gay,” I commented. “I cannot conceive how human beings ever came to thrust this war upon it. How shall it recover its old heart-lightness when nations must forever hate each other?”

“Oh, surely,” remonstrated Lady Laurier, “surely hatred will cease hereafter, and this war will be the last of all wars.”

“Perhaps,” I answered, “if women demand it. They know the cost of the precious lives which are being made to pass through fire to Moloch, otherwise Mars.”

My gentle hostess sighed profoundly. “Ah, yes,” she murmured, “the poor, poor mothers! They tell me that in France they cheer their men when the brave soldiers march away to battle, and that, afterwards, they go to the churches and pray and pray there—all but broken-hearted.”

The trill of a bird filled up the pause. Sorrow could not live before its joyance.

“In Canada,” I said, “there are no more France and England. St. George and St. Denis are brothers-in-arms. I find that in Montreal the women acknowledge Canada only for their nation, and are all working together for the soldiers.”

“May that not be an earnest,” replied my hostess, “that brotherhood shall come to all the nations?”—M.J.T.

Loss From War

With an artist’s quick sympathy to feel with others, to appreciate the suffering war brings, Elizabeth A. McGillivray Knowles, the artist, Toronto, put her thoughts in this way:

“I have nothing to say regarding the outcome of this awful war in which the word ‘hope’ can be used. To think of the utter waste of life, the destruction of beauty, the failure of culture, the paralyzing ‘set-back’ to the whole world, is to be filled with despair.

“As for women, what can one say? Will sorrow soften, will the desire to help foster unselfishness, will the discovery of that joy which is born of loving service make the striving after extravagant social display seem futile and wearisome? One might at least hope for this result.”

A Place for War

War has many aspects. L. M. Montgomery, writer of graceful romances, strikes a sterner note in her message to the readers of Everywoman’s World:

“You ask me what I hope to see as the outcome of the war, (1) for the world at large, (2) and for women in particular. I am not of those who believe that this war will put an end to war. War is horrible, but there are things that are more horrible still, just as there are fates worse than death. Moral degradation, low ideals, sordid devotion to money-getting, are worse evils than war, and history shows us that these evils invariably overtake a nation which is for a long time at peace. Nothing short of so awful a calamity as a great war can awaken to remembrance a nation that has forgotten God and sold its birthright of aspiration for a mess of pottage.

“But I do hope that, as a result of the war, humanity may re-learn its lesson so thoroughly that it will not need another such drastic schooling for many generations. I hope that the heroism and fortitude evoked may leave a rich legacy of character to races yet unborn; and I hope that a great awakening to high issues, moral, spiritual and intellectual, may follow the agony of conflict.

“In regard to women, I do not expect that the war and its outcome will affect their interests, apart from the general influence upon the race. But I do hope that it will in some measure open the eyes of humanity to the truth that the women who bear and train the nation’s sons should have some voice in the political issues that may send those sons to die on battlefields

‘Where thousands die

 To lift one hero into fame.’ ”

An Ardent Imperialist

Janet Carnochan, Niagara, President Niagara Historical Society, well-known writer and research worker in Canadian history, thinks:

“For the world at large, I do not know that my views are in any way different from the views of a man. I hope I have studied the subject carefully and thoughtfully. The outcome of this terrible, this sad, nay, this glorious war—for is it not a glorious thing to help the weak, to give greater freedom, to keep treaties honorably, to help in the betterment of the world? Is it not a glorious thing to see the colonies rush to the help of the motherland from every far-flung part of the empire? Is it not a glorious thing, the help given to brutally treated, impoverished, desolate, brave little Belgium? What do I hope? I hope that despotic government will cease to exist, that a court of arbitration for all civilized nations will be formed to settle all disputes between the different powers, without an appeal to arms, so that the immense armaments by sea and land will exist no longer and the thousands thus set free may join the industrial ranks and become producers instead of spenders, and the millions used to maintain these forces will be used to send missionaries to Christianize the world, or to give means to put down the drink habit perhaps to buy up all the distilleries and put the sale, if any, into the hands of government. I hope, too, that no absolute monarchy shall exist, that all countries shall be governed by parliaments representing the will of the people.

“But to talk of there being no armed force at all is simply foolish. There are still savage nations to which the powers of arbitration will not appeal. There must still be a force to police the sea as well as the land. Call it police, call it a fleet, call it an army—there must be some force to which to appeal. Every town has its police to enforce order. If the police force is not strong enough, the military are called in to quell a riot. But for the immense armies and navies now existing at such an enormous cost there would be no need.

“What do I hope for women in particular? That as this war has brought out as never before the power of women in organizing, in planning, in providing for the comforts of the soldiers, for giving help to the widows and orphans, thus the status of woman is raised, as men will feel what they owe to the women of the land. An extreme view has been expressed that wars will not cease till women have votes. But many other things will unite to produce the abolition of war, but I do think that as men feel what they owe to the help of women in this war they will be more likely to extend the franchise to women. Another effect—and this a certain and not merely a problematic effect—will be the benefit resulting from the mingling together of all classes, of all religious denominations, of the rich and poor, the learned and the unlearned, in the different societies and organizations, as Daughters of the Empire, Women’s Institutes, schools, colleges, the grand army of knitters, by which has resulted a feeling of sympathy and kindness by the breaking down of class feeling, where all have worked together for the help of our soldiers. And for the world, for men and women alike, I hope:

“That the war drum throb no longer, and the battle flags be furled—

In the parliament of men, the Federation of the World.”

A Prayer for Forgiveness

The gentle and beloved Marshall Saunders writes:

“I hope to see, as the outcome of this war, a great world stillness—an immense calm arising after the dying away of the noise of battle, and the hushing of the clangor of busy and frantic tongues, trying to fix the responsibility for this horrifying world cataclysm.

“I hope to see a world acknowledgment—of guilt—not only on the part of warring nations, but also on the part of non-combatants, who, at a touch might have been precipitated into the arena of bloody strife.

“I hope to hear also a low heart-murmuring from a sorrow-stricken world:—‘Now, oh! Lord, that the fury of our fratricidal rage has abated, we acknowledge that we have all sinned and done evil in Thy sight. And not on my brother alone—not on my brother’s nation—rests the responsibility for this horrible world warfare but on my head, and on the head of my nation, lies also a portion of the overwhelming accountability. Lift from us now this heavy load of punishment. We acknowledge our transgressions of years. We, the civilized nations, have been guilty of gross materialism, and of an immeasurable egotism. We have also sinned against our brothers, the uncivilized. We have permitted crimes and infamies unspeakable. Now, at last, that a sword has been among our own selves, we have heard the blood of those innocent ones crying to Thee from the ground. For them we have made a sacrificial atonement by the blond of our best-loved brothers. Forgive us, oh! Lord, in Thine infinite mercy. The sin that we sinned, we knew not. Humbly before Thee we vow that never again shall we be guilty of deadly race prejudices, and fratricidal hatreds. Our last war has been fought. Now will we beat our swords into ploughshares and our spears into pruning-hooks, and brother will say to brother, ‘Let us live in peace, in the name of the Lord.’

“I hope to see as the outcome of the war, for women in particular, a great drying of the tears of the pitiful weeping Rachels, and a great comforting of their hearts for the children that are not.

“Mothers will press to their breasts the children that are left. From the new pure and passionate patriotism up-springing in their souls, women will cry: ‘We have given our sons to our country! They are gone, but teach us, oh, Lord!—teach us mothers of the race, to save the coming generation—to so mould the tender hearts of our children, that it will be impossible for brother to lift his hand against brother. Inspire us to give a heart education to the tender child, to control the haughty intellect, to curb the stubborn will. Let us instil with the love of father and mother, and brother and sister, the wider love of humankind. Let the tendrils of affection of each boy and girl reach out from the family to the state, from the state to the nation, from the nation to the world. Let us have a world of brothers—a world of peace. Send not the sword among us again, or we shall die in agony!’ ”

Must Women Vote? Why?

Flora MacDonald Denison, Honorary President of the Canadian Suffrage Association, asks for a stronger democracy:

“I expect everyone hopes that a Utopian society may evolve out of chaos and destruction. But if we rather say what may reasonably be expected or what may be possible to happen as the outcome of this war I think that many opinions may be given and time only can tell which will be correct.

“I believe that the Allies will win, and the settlement will largely depend on the extent of the victory.

“If Germany remains intact with the power of continuing its militant policy, there will be nothing for it but that all other countries wishing to retain their national individuality must needs arm and defend themselves to the extent of their ability.

“If Germany is absolutely defeated, Prussia, Alsace and Loraine, and the German colonies taken, then a policy of general disarmament may be adopted and an international tribunal established on neutral ground.

“But no matter what policy may be adopted, the trend is towards a broader democracy.

“Whether this war had as its real cause the ideas and ideals of a brotherhood of man, these ideas and these ideals must be evolved out of the war. An androcentric culture with the combative male element dominating has proved over and over again inevitable destruction, and he who runs may read that this suicidal policy of might must end as civilization grasps the necessity of the female constructive force being added to the body politic to make a true balance.

“Women are not to blame for this war, but a century hence they would be equal criminals with men were another such war to take place.

“A tremendous burden of responsibility will now be placed upon women and with this war as an object lesson no woman should rest until she is able to have her say, equal with man, as a freeborn responsible citizen with equal rights, political and economic.

“And so the most that I can reasonably hope is that the world at large may see the folly, yes the criminality of the present policy of might, and that an international policy will be adopted that will allow any people the privilege of governing themselves, that co-ercion will be a thing of the past, and that there shall be established in this world an ‘All for each’ policy which will develop into the greatest liberty possible for individual growth compatible with the ‘greatest good for all.’

“For women in particular, I believe that they will learn to be wiser and know that their privilege is not only to bring living beings into this world, but that their place is ever at the helm to see that the world is a fit place for living human beings to be in.

“The constructive mind of woman, the maternal instinct to care for and conserve must be used with the knowledge that these attributes are necessary to complement the combative initiative of man.

“What a splendid world this could be to live in a few years from now if we will only profit by the lessons taught by this most terrible of all wars.”

Lesson of War

Nellie C. McClung, the popular writer and speaker, says:

“Humanity learns its lessons hard. The path of wisdom has ever been beset with thorns, and has ever been travelled by bleeding feet. Humanity is now learning, and paying full rate for its tuition.

“One lesson that is almost learned now is that armed men and battleships do not bring either peace or safety; that a great nation cannot be built on hatred; that unless love and good will and honor and honesty are woven into the social fabric, it will some day, suddenly, and without warning, fall into hopeless tatters.

“This war is showing us that human ingenuity and cleverness, unless it is permeated by the love of God (which is another name for the love of man), is a devilish thing! Think of man’s achievement in overcoming the air having resulted in bombs being thrown on churches and hospitals! We are learning something we should always have known—that it is not so important that people should be clever as that they should be good! We had not thought very seriously on this before, and the attitude of the world was to worship cleverness, and sneer at common, unobtrusive, mouse-gray goodness!

“There will also come out of the war a new idea of empire, clear as the sunlight and wide as the earth! We will cease to think locally and to boast of a narrow patriotism. We will not sing ‘My country, ’tis of thee—of thee I sing.’ Germany has plenty of that sort of patriotism which teaches that love of country means hatred of other countries. Our citizenship will be world citizenship—our neighbor will be every man, of whatever race, or creed, or color, or tongue. There will be no trade barriers between nations to breed distrust and jealousy or suspicion between men. There will be no war lords with the iniquitous power to plunge innocent and inoffensive people into warfare! Women are going to come into their own. We will hear less about woman’s unfitness for public life. Man’s pride in masculine statecraft has received a jolt, and they are not so sure of things as they were four months ago! There can be no true democracy where one-half of the race is ignored, and this war, if it has any significance at all, is a war against autocracy. The mother’s point of view will be represented in the days to come—the good days to which our longing eyes are turning in hope and faith.”

Home Guards Always

Helen M. Merrill, Honorary General Sectary of The United Empire Loyalists Association of Canada, sees the outcome of the war somewhat differently, and particularly mentions the desirability of military training:

“Replying to your question, ‘What do you as a woman hope to see as the outcome of the war, (1) for the world at large, (2) women in particular?’

“The replies obviously expected are, ‘Peace’ and ‘Votes for women.’ There is evidently malice aforethought in the latter question, but I have not yet become interested in woman suffrage. However, glancing casually at the subject, it seems that the welfare of the country at large may depend to a considerable extent on the contentment of women. If they would feel better satisfied in their routine at home and in public life having the right to go to the polls, it would be in the interest of the government of any country to grant women this right. Woman suffrage is bound to come eventually, and it will be a fine feather in the cap of the first Provincial Government having courage to give votes to women.

“Returning to the former question: The greatest factor in establishing permanent peace in the world will be to continue the friendly relations which now exist between Great Britain and the United States. It is remarkable that a hundred years have passed without conflict between these nations, and that for this length of time Canada and the United States have dwelt side by side with indifferent military defence, the American army itself being so small that on the militia going to the front in the war with Spain, billions of dollars worth of property along the east coast were left unprotected.

“I hope that universal peace will not mean the abolishing of military training, and that there will always be Home Guards or their equivalent. I hope, too, that the day will soon arrive when every boy and girl will become a Scout, and that provision for such instruction will be made in all schools. The Scout movement I consider the most important ever inaugurated for the training of the young. I should also like to see both girls and boys at a suitable age train as cadets if, largely, only to cultivate obedience, order and for physical benefit, and if girls form no more menacing corps than Broom Brigades.”

Courageous and Cheerful is the Note from the West

Mrs. R. R. Jamieson, Judge of the Juvenile Court, Calgary, with the optimism which makes her popular with everyone, writes:

“You ask my opinion of the outcome of the war from a woman’s viewpoint.

“I believe the war has already done away with ‘sets’ in social circles. The rich and the poor are to be found working together with the same purpose in mind, consequently sympathies and kindred feelings will form which will be bright memories to us all; while the object we are working for is brought about by the cruel war, still the bond of sympathy among the women is sweet.

“I believe women will have more voice in national affairs, will be placed on church boards and numerous other public offices where heretofore she has had no voice. I believe the much talked of suffrage will be granted us, by virtue of our organizations to do our own part in this time of distress—the militant suffragettes are working to keep the franchise for our men of Great Britain and Canada.

“The war has brought out many points of value, such as sympathy, charity and loyalty, which we have not had an opportunity to show before, which will be instilled in our rising generation.”

The Law of Christ

Katherine Hale, poet and essayist, whose booklet, “Grey Knitting,” published this season, is itself in part prophetic about the war:

“It is quite possible, if we may judge the future by the past, that this most terrible of all wars may, in its termination, become the agent for a sweeping reconstruction in governments, in commerce, and in social life. As I see things from the woman’s standpoint, it seems to me that one’s greatest hope for the world at large, as a result of the present war, must surely be a determination in the minds of men and women towards the necessity of individual self-control as the first step in a world-wide education which shall teach both sexes alike the rudiments of national self-government. I would wish for the world a swinging of the balance of power from the hands of the few into the hands of the many, provided that humanity—through the very stringencies of the poverty and exhaustion that follow such a war—is capable of learning at last the simple law laid down by Christ: ‘Do unto others as ye would that they should do unto you.’

“For women in particular surely the outcome is already assured. We are learning, and we shall learn more fully in the years to come, that ‘militancy’ and ‘parasitism’ are alike a sort of insanity. Women at the beginning of 1914, regardless of the environment into which they were born, were largely divided into two classes: the nerveless and the nervous. Harold Begbie’s astounding article on ‘The Average English Woman,’ which appeared a year ago in a London magazine, in no way exaggerated the truth. He suggested that ‘schools for mothers’ was the crying need of this generation. I believe that the war will make such a movement imperative all over the world. It seems to me that the hour has struck in which not only Canadian women but all women must awake to the fact that in the new world which will surely replace the old she must learn to know the needs of her country, and in and of herself must not only make but teach the new race of sons and daughters what the power of the spirit is, what the power of a sane and healthy life, what unity and brotherhood, and the politics that is to be divorced from personal gain or graft will mean.

“The cataclysm which has overtaken the most ‘intellectual’ portion of the entire world has come almost directly through a lack of education on the part of German women. Submission to established conditions is no real part of life. To be a good Haus-Frau has no relation whatever to the education of a son or daughter. Germany has been man-made for generations and it is this lack of balance, mental and spiritual, that has thrust the world into the throes of hell. Thinking men realize, as they never did before, the need for the co-operation of women in the government of nations. Until there is more of man in woman, and of woman in man, such a terrible situation as the present is destined to occur.”


Mis-spelled words and printer errors have been fixed.

Unfortunately, only a very old, very low quality photocopy of this article was available, so the illustrations are of very low quality.

[The end of What twelve Canadian women hope to see as the outcome of the war by various]