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Title: Jack and Jill

Date of first publication:

Author: anonymous

Date first posted: Apr. 1, 2015

Date last updated: Apr. 1, 2015

Faded Page eBook #20150404

This ebook was produced by: David Edwards, Cindy Beyer & the online Distributed Proofreaders Canada team at http://www.pgdpcanada.net







Printed and Sold by

J. T. WOOD, 28, Strand.


Jack and Jill went up the hill,

To fetch a pail of water,

Jack fell down and broke his crown,

And Jill came tumbling after,

    Then up Jack got

    And home did trot,

As fast as he could scamper,

    Dame Jill did the job,

    To plaster his nob

With vinegar and brown paper.

    Then Jill came in

    And she did grin,

To see Jack’s paper plaster.

    Her mother whipped her

    Across her knee,

For laughing at Jack’s disaster.

    Hearing the rout

    Dame Jill came out,

With a horse-from the door,

    She laid it on Jack

    And on Jill’s back

Until they both did roar.

    Ball held sow’s ear,

    And both in rear,

Ran against the Dame and hit her

    That she did fall,

    Over the sow and Ball,

How Jack and Jill did titter.

    Dame Jill did grin,

    As she went in,

    Will Goat came by,

    And made Jack cry,

And knocked him on his back

    Then the next thing,

    They made a swing,

But Jill set up a big cry,

    For the swing gave way

    In the midst of the play,

And threw her in the pigstye.

    Now Jack did laugh,

    And Jill did cry,

But her tears did soon abate;

    Then Jack did say,

    That they would play,

A see-saw across the gate.

    They see-saw’d high

    They see-saw’d low,

At length they both did tumble;

    We both are down,

    We both must own,

Let neither of us grumble.

    This made Jill pout

    And she ran out,

And Jack did quickly follow;

    They rode dog Ball,

    Jill got a fall

How Jack did laugh and hallo.

    The Dame came out

    To know all about,

Jill says that Jack was saucy,

    Say’s Jill I’ll tell,

    How that Jack fell

Down on the pavement causey.

    The sow came by,

    Says Jack I’ll try

If I can ride the prancer,

    He gave a jump

    On old sow’s rump,

But she led him a droll dance Sir.

    Sow ran and squalled,

    While Jack he bawled,

Jill joined in the choir,

    Dog Ball being near

    Bit sow by the ear,

And threw Jack in the mire.

    And now all three,

    Went out to see,

To put the place to rights all,

    Which done they sup,

    Then drink a cup,

And wish you a good night all.


Misspelled words and printer errors have been corrected.

Inconsistencies in punctuation have been maintained.

Some illustrations moved to facilitate page layout.


[The end of Jack and Jill by anonymous]