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Kleiner Mann was nun

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Book Details

Title:Kleiner Mann was nun
Ditzen, Rudolf Wilhelm Friedrich  Writing under the pseudonym: Fallada, Hans   
(2 of 2 for author by title)
Bauern, Bonzen und Bomben
Published:   1933
Publisher:Ernst Rowohlt Verlag
Tags:fiction, Weimar Republic, writing, New Objectivity

Hans Fallada is the pseudonym of Rudolf Wilhelm Friedrich Ditzen. Set partly in Berlin, the novel is written in the style of the New Objectivity. It tells the story of a young couple struggling to survive against the backdrop of the Great Depression.

Hans Fallada ist das Pseudonym von Rudolf Wilhelm Friedrich Ditzen.

Der Roman, der in der Literaturströmung der Neuen Sachlichkeit steht, spielt teils in Berlin und schildert die Jahre der Weltwirtschaftskrise anhand des jungen Paares Emma Mörschel und Johannes Pinneberger. Sie schlagen sich recht und schlecht am Rande der Gesellschaft durch. Ihre persönliche Krise endet mit dem Rückzug ins private Glück. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:319 Info

Author Bio for Ditzen, Rudolf Wilhelm Friedrich

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Rudolf Wilhelm Friedrich Ditzen (pseud. Hans Fallada); born 21 July 1893 – 5 February 1947) was a German writer of the first half of the 20th century. Some of his better-known novels include Little Man, What Now? (1932) and Every Man Dies Alone (1947). His works belong predominantly to the New Objectivity literary style, a style associated with an emotionless reportage approach, with precision of detail, and a veneration for ‘the fact’. Ditzen's pseudonym derives from a combination of characters found in the Grimm's Fairy Tales: The titular protagonist of Hans in Luck, and Falada the magical talking horse in The Goose Girl. —Wikipedia.

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